Umucb Computer Loan Scheme

Purpose Purchase of Personal Computer and Laptop along with accessories./ purchase of Consumers Items Ex: Refrigerators, Washing machine, Furnitures, T.V. etc.
Eligibility All individuals including students, professionals, businessmen, shop-keepers and permanent salaried persons. Borrowers must be a lady.

Quantum of Loan 70% of cost, subject to maximum Rs.1,00,000/-
Security 1. Hypothecation of Personal computer / Laptop and accessories./ Consumers Items.

2. Third Party Guarantee with worth not less than the quantum of the loan amount.

Rate of Interest 12% (Floating) or as per Decision of Board from time to time.
Processing Charges Rs.250/- per Loan proposal
Repayment Period 36 months
Other terms and conditions
  1. Computer / Laptop and accessories/ Consumers Items will be comprehensively insured with Bank clause through our Corporate Agency.
  2. Borrower should have known source of income to repay the instalments.
  3. In case of salaried persons the take home pay should not be less than 40% after taking in to consideration present loan instalment.
  4. Income of the applicant / borrower should be ascertained from last two / three years IT Returns.

Terms and Conditions apply:

Loan at the sole discretion of The Udaipur Mahila Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd.

All disputes arising out of this scheme shall be decided by the Courts under Udaipur jurisdiction.